Spring Sings! By RL Brown

Spring Fling Contest 2022/ revised for another submission

     Winter howls at Spring like a middle schooler's biological clock clanks. 
     "It's too early," Winter yawns.

      "Autumn has arrived in the southern hemisphere,"says Sun.   

     "Not yet." Winter flops back, adding another blanket of snow. 

     "Cold moon will be full soon." says Spring. Winter loves to hangout with Cold Moon on the longest night of the season.  

     "Okay, I'm up." Winter sits very still, blowing another chilly breeze. 
    "Come along," says Blizzard. Winter stands and stretches.
     "I see you've been at work. A resplendent day in pastel hues," says Winter to Spring.
      "Thank you, Winter." 
Bowing gracefully, Winter whispers, 
     "See you next year." 

     Spring smiles at Sun, "It's time to melt the crusty earth and direct your rays to tickle the fertile dirt."
     "As you wish," says Sun and bows to stir the sleepy earth.   

    Spring sings! 
"Zephyr, carry the seeds far and wide. Loam, provide their needs. Seeds, shed those winter coats. Nightcrawlers, dig underground moats. Clouds, let loose April's showers, so 
May can bring forth bouquets of flowers!"

"Zephyr, carry the seeds. 
Loam, provide their needs. 
Cloud, let loose April's showers. 
May send bouquets of flowers!" 

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