Summer FMF Post-June July August-Through the Looking Glass

June 7, FMF-Reverse
Seeing through the looking glass in reverse.

Find clarity in
a world of words with
perspicacious zeal.

In God's Word,
seek perspicacious

His mysteries
revealed by
the Holy Spirit.

I remember reading Hannah Hurnard's book, 'Hinds Feet on High Places.' It is an allegory of the Christian walk. Much-Afraid meets the Shepherd and journeys up the mountain to the high places under His guidance. She collects precious jewels along the way. But there comes a point when her load is too heavy, so she looks at each one and reflects on the lesson, the deeper the relationship with the shepherd, and her understanding of God's purpose for her. With a renewed spirit, she keeps them all and moves forward.

Psalms 18:33 King James Version (KJV) - He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, And setteth me upon my high places.
Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord God is my strength; and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places.

Our direct link to God is through prayer. Looking back, can we see God's hand working through our trials and troubles? Do we cherish each lesson learned? When amid these trails and that jewel looks like a lump of coal, I remember that dark colors absorb light, and outer pressure creates a precious jewel on the inside. Maybe these are the jewels in our crown that we lay at Jesus' feet.

(Noahic covenant)

June, May 31 through
Sometimes, hearing or reading something from another point of view brings clarity or the ability to see through a scheme. I am guilty of wanting to prove my worth and that I am valuable, too, so I fall prey to empty schemes. God's love is total approval, acceptance, and love. The insecurity, inadequacy, and inferior feelings come from the world's perspective, others, or my own.

"The devil appeared to three monks and said to them: "If I gave you the power to change something in the past, what would you change?"
The first of them, with great apostolic fervor, replied: "I would like to prevent you from leading Adam and Eve to sin, so that humanity does not separate from God."
The second, a man full of mercy, said to him: "I will prevent you from straying from God and condemning you forever."
The third of them was the simplest and instead of answering the tempter, he knelt down, made the sign of the cross, and prayed: "Lord, deliver me from the temptation of what might have been and what was not."
The demon, screaming and trembling with pain, fled.
The other two were surprised and said to him: "Brother, why did you react like this?"
And he answered them:

“First, we should never talk to the enemy.”
“Secondly, no one in the world has the power to change the past.”
“Third: Satan’s interest was not to prove our virtue, but to trap us in the past, so that we neglect the present, the only time God gives us His grace and we can cooperate with Him to fulfill His will.”

Of all the demons, the one that most holds men back and prevents them from being happy is “what could have been and was not.” The past is left to the mercy of God and the future to His providence. Only the present is in our hands. Live today loving God with all your heart.
(Modified from original text)
Ctto: Michael Acebedo Lopez"

spring in my steps
alacrity of purpose
wind at my back
Finding clarity
in a world of words,

In God's Word
seek perspicacious

He has given us the Holy Spirit
When I first read last week's word, I thought of 'through the looking glass.' In Genesis, the names of each person gives us message of redmeption. In the book of Daniel and the major and minor prophets, God's mystery are locked up in Revelation until now. The Bible is layered with meaning in its depths. God doesn't tell but knows we must discover it for ourselves. Then our heart is changed and truly belongs to Him. 

1 thought on “Summer FMF Post-June July August-Through the Looking Glass

  1. Rachel Mendell

    Thank you for the reminder! Regrets have done lots of damage in my life. Saving this for next month when the enemy comes back to taunt me. Be well! Blessings on your day.



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