June Poems and more

Swimming with cousins and playing with friends, 
hoping summer will never end.
Hopscotch with sea shells, swinging high through the air, outside till dark and roaming free without a care.
Farmer's market down the street loaded with snacks ready to eat.
Seed spitting contest, fresh corn on the cob family picnic with family is truly the best treat.
An early morning thought:
I snuggle in a blanket with socks to warm my toes.
A hot latte warms my insides and a cool breeze tickles my nose.
I slow down and take some time
to enjoy this savory view.

a realized dream
worked for embodies
a bigger adventure.
(or leads to a)
Blue, skywater blue
rippling, replenishing
a hidden gem.
Picture by BronteBrown
Back and forth
the ground swishes
with zephyr thoughts

hammock swishing, brain on neutral
Skipping through the air, my shadow and I were in perfect sync. 
icy shields replaced 
by watery trails and
a biofilm of slippery slime
Find clarity in 
a world of words with
perspicacious zeal.

In God's Word,
seek perspicacious

His mysteries
revealed by
the Holy Spirit.
Spring arrives as 
the sun melts the crusty earth
solar rays tickle the fertile dirt;
sheltered seeds shed their winter coats,
earthworms dig underground moats.

Spring sings while
a gentle zephyr carries light seeds;
loam provides for their needs,
temperamental clouds scatter showers
in time to enjoy spring flowers!
Feminine esse'
Sparkling soul

Inner and outer beauty shines when the esse' of a woman's soul sparkles. Glimpses for a man to see and lifetime to understand.

RL Brown
This was in definite need of a rewrite.
When a woman's inner and outer beauty shines as one, and the kindness of her soul sparkles, the esse' of femininity is truly seen.
muliebrity of feminine
beauty, shines.

feminine muliebrity
beauty, shines.

complementary muliebrity,
her soul sparkles with
femininity's essence.
Odd occurrences, 
the laundry basket is empty-
every sock is matched.
Ladybug, Ladybug, 
where are you?
My roses serving lunch,
aphids on the menu.
Vast political views
peevish divisive verve
schismatic vexing vibe
@Bleu_Owl vast, verve, vibe
short form
Vast views
schismatic verve
vexing vibe
Farmer's market
Saturday mornin' delight
I'm broke.
Warm Pie
Weeping Meringue
Well, let's eat!
@Bleu_Owl warm, weep, well
Smultronställe - A Place For You
rare moment of peaceful tranquility

Trunnel leaf canopy on road forming an archway.

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